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Say hello to the queen of the London streets

If it’s moving in London – Roxy’s clocked it.

Like most of the team at Mango, Roxy started at the bottom. Initially as a guard dog but then she rapidly worked her way up into becoming a high-profile, London celebrity and social media hit. Roxy is a testament to ambition and focus and really underscores Mango’s commitment to letting talent shine. Apart from being the girl-about-town, Roxy is also our CSR Ambassador and champions different causes on behalf of the company to raise money and keep London sweet.

60 second interview with Roxy

Q: What’s an average day like at Mango Logistics Group?

A: Mostly driving around and watching the world go by. But these days more and more people are recognising me, so I get a lot more attention these days.

Q: Do you enjoy getting attention as a celebrity?

A: What’s not to like? I get the odd tasty treat fed my way and lots of chin strokes!

Q: Who is the most famous person you’ve seen on the streets of London?

A: Well the most famous dog I’ve seen is that Pudsey from Britain’s Got Talent. As far as people go, too many to mention. But, we nearly ran over that Boris Johnson the other day. I got so many tweets saying “better luck next time, Roxy!” but I quite like Boris though, I like the scruffy type.

Q: What’s your favourite park in London?

A: That’ll be Highgate Woods. It’s very natural and unspoiled, you’d think you were in the country. I don’t like Regents Park so much…. Too many ducks and geese. They annoy me. And I’m not allowed to chase them. That’s not fun, is it?

Q: Where do you get the best breakfast in London?

A: Locally I love Terry’s Café on Great Suffolk St, SE1. It’s a proper, traditional community café with excellent fry ups. It’s also got tables outside. Not everywhere is dog friendly. I also like the Breakfast Club tucked away between Liverpool St and Spitalfields Market. They let you walk into their fridge in there. Very cool.

Q: What is your favourite event in London?

A: The London Marathon… now that’s one long, long, long walkies. I’ve done in sub-8 hours you know!

Q: What makes you angry?

A: Bad or dangerous drivers. You wouldn’t believe the stupidity and selfishness I see every day on the streets of London. People should just try to be nicer to everyone and be safe. Also, train and tube strikes. Although it keeps us even busier at Mango, it just brings everything and everyone to a halt. Chaos!

Q: Do you have any plans for being on TV or the movies?

A: Watch this space… that’s all I can say at this moment.